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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What was discovered after a review of the Abstract of Title for the purchase of the property at 8263 140h Ave, Olin, IA 52320 was the following. First, the Title documents that the property in total acreage was 140 acres in Entry 6 from 12/1954, implying that the properties on both sides of the road were at one point a complete parcel (see the below photo).
Entry 9 from 8/1956 documents that my former Employer, IELP was granted an easement for erecting transmission poles on the property (see the below photo).

Their poles are mainly on the left side of the road traveling in a north to south direction. Over the years, the families (who owned the property’s) entanglements resulted in the division of the property. It was the 32nd Entry from 2/1982 that documents Lois Covington entering into agreement to purchase 80 acres from the Owners of record, (see the below photos).
Finally, Entries 35, 36 and 37 of 4/20/1982, 7/23/1985 and 7/12/1985 (shown above) respectively documents the completion of the mortgage for the purchase of the 80 acres and its transfer to Lois Covington. The 38th Entry from 5/18/1992 as shown below, documents the agreement

between Lois Covington as well as my former spouse and I to purchase the 3-acre plot. No reference of what eventually occurred with the 60 acres could be discovered in the Abstract of Tital. When the contractual terms for the purchase of the 3-acre plot were satisfied, the Warranty Deed applicable to 8263 140th Ave, Olin, IA was obtained along with the Seller’s Attorney instructional letter (shown below). However, the following details

are worth mentioning. The Seller’s Attorney addresses my former spouse and I as Mr. and Mrs. James Brazant, a description never used before, started in Vermont and, (which has a very specific identity-related) meaning (and the Communication Procedures on the CONSERVERY AUTHORIZATION Page, took the time to explain due to the many different name forms used and spread by “Society’s” types because of their identity switching being perpetrated). Furthermore, the letter mentions the Abstract in passing only. Even though he was not our Attorney, he could have mentioned that the Abstract was in need of being updated to document the completion of the purchase agreement. [Could these developments be related in anyway to identity switching/networking by any Entity with such an interest networking to ensure that pertinent information was not conveyed? (See the post ADDENDUM TO AN EXAMPLE OF HIRING FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTITY TRANSFER.) However, shortly after these developments, the Monticello office of these Attorneys burned to the ground, thereby covering-up any avenue for any records relating to this property transaction being traceable permanently, maybe. “Society’s” types should remember that destruction does not always result in the covering-up of evidence. This property purchase related to the purchase of the South 352 feet of the East 373 feet of the N ½ SE ¼ of Section 26, Township 84 North, Range 3, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, on the right side of the road traveling in a north to southerly direction only (see the below street map). Could it be that the “coincidental” labeling of this road 140th

Ave was always the plan by “Society’s” types to reconnect the property, which was originally 140 acres as well, to aid in covering-up the property purchase? If the Abstract was updated to document the completion of the purchase by any other persons (in fictitious identities), it’s fraudulent because that is where the opening lies, the fact that the Abstract never was updated to record to completion of the purchase of the 3-acre plot. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT THE DESCRIPTION FOR THIS PROPERTY’S PURCHASE AS DOCUMENTED IN THE RECORD AND DEPICTED HERE CANNOT BE TRULY APPLIED TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD, BECAUSE THE BOUNDARY LINES WILL NOT MATCH WITHOUT ALTERING SOME ASPECT OF THE LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DOCUMENTED, THUS INVALIDATING IT (A FACT NOT KNOWN TO MOST BECAUSE SOME FAMILIARITY WITH THESE CONDITIONS WOULD HAVE TO BE KNOWN).

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