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Monday, December 24, 2012


The initial post in this series “THERE IS ALWAYS AN ALTERNATE VIEW, IF TIME IS TAKEN TO FIND IT, pointed to adaptability as a trait of those with the capability to perceive such circumstances in the midst of impending events. This ability is not to be confused with vacillating, however. A lesson from nature may be the best avenue to demonstrate this example (based on an article from writer Sharon Begley from 5/26/2006 from a popular daily/weekend financial publication), as follows.
If the example of an adaptable plant is used, what is discovered is this, bracken fern whose fiddleheads (or young unfurling leaves), which are considered a delicacy in some Asian cuisines while those of another variety, ostrich ferns are more common in US restaurants), provide some unique qualities worth further examination. These ferns are so popular for foraging, etc., that more than one hundred (100) species either suck or chew on these fronds (or leaves of fern-type plans). Brackens respond with poisons of dangerous chemicals that can either destroy or deter the organisms that attack them. While these chemicals aren't in large enough quantities to deter large attackers such as cattle, they can be lethal to small insects. This is an example of the ability to be adaptable in its most basic and dramatic form, from the point-of-view of the plant world, to provide an insight into how an adaptable individual can recognize what's at stake and utilize available (non lethal defensive) resources to meet the challenge at hand.

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