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Thursday, December 29, 2011


SociAllMedia Issues: AN EXAMPLE OF RECONCILIATION: - This Post is being republished to remind those whose location was rejected on 12/27/2011 that this is an example of the process involved in being considered, without guarantees, ex. - "Reconciling the Awards Given to an Identity Dodger towards the End of the 20th Century"

1 comment:

J_F_Brazant said...

Today (7/12/2012) I switched my insurance carrier from one that reinvented “bait and switch” to another with some Vermont/Rhode Island connections, so it will be interesting to see how this will all work out in the ultimate Vermont reconciliation. In this matter all looked out for their self interests but who was looking out for my interests, turns out I had to do some maneuvering in order to ensure that my interests as well as those of my son, who was actually enrolled in school in Vermont before our “abrupt” departure, [which due to a technicality in a birth year error is "arbitrarily" being questioned as part of the "new truth" [see the post UPDATED ADDENDUM TO REMAINING NEUTRAL UNTIL ALL THE FACTS (FROM BOTH SIDES) ARE EVALUATED - link on COMMENTS Page] by those whose legitimacy is based on highlighting trivialities along with their supporters (see the post HOW "VIRTUAL" IDENTITIES ARE SUSTAINED - link on COMMENTS Page). My older daughter was too young to be enrolled and the youngest was not even born. This chapter is still being written stay tuned. (Edited)