This Comment to ON-GOING COVER-UP OF MISREPRESENTATION/FRAUD AND ITS SYMPTOMS has been elevated to a posting of its own to incorporate relevant details as indicated in THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY and is now being updated to incorporate supporting details associated with the backdated letter included below. How do you provide a “Bi-Professional Homewrecker” credentials in a country to, which she has been transplanted? First, select an individual who was considered so inconsequential that his identity/accomplishments were “negotiated” away in a “quid pro quo” arrangement-√; second, make sure that the individual who was primarily involved with his education financing, such as the transmission of his finances is “on-board” – his sister is being mimicked by an impostor and my Brother, who does not make good life decisions, being "on-board'; third, ensure that his employer lays him off, & alter his records to indicate that he turned out be incompetent. To implement this long-range plan an incompetent individual was hired by others & placed in my Group and the competent individual who was hired by me was switched into a different group. This incompetent individual, hired approximately 12-months after me, was kept attached to me ("at the Hip") for the duration of the time I remained with this employer at that Plant and when I was laid off so was he. This Plant then proceeded to switch personnel records to complete their portion and started their “stealth whispering campaign” after laying me off implying that I was unqualified once my “glorious” past employer “stabbed” me in my back after spending ten years cleaning up their “dirty-work”. For this "Oscar" worthy performance, the CEO was rewarded with placement on the board of directors of GMAC (no wonder in went bankrupt), Carnegie-Mellon bank/Institute, BP (which also has a disastrous track record), Union Pacific railroad and then this disaster-prone “fraud” was installed as Chancellor of the Georgia University System-√. Fourth, create pseudo events to provide them with “fictitious” family ancestral history in the USA, such as grave site burials incorrectly carried out/unmarked graves etc.-√ Fifth, get a corporate sponsor to invest funds in such a manner as to try to connect those of their "cause" with their "origin issues" to my solid foundations. Then the Willis Insurance CO. of England entered where this "Trojan Horse" replacement scheme originated, with the awareness of a few "solid citizens" as documented in the Here are selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED to conveniently take over Sears Tower & rent exactly 140,000 ft² of space to attempt to connect them to 8263 140th Avenue, Olin, IA and through other avenues make donations to Pratt in such a way as to elicit assistance in providing their impostors with “virtual credentials” masked behind my attendance there -√, and sixth give the date associated with the backdating of documents to provide impostors with identities, continuous significance as was done with the unethical and fraudulent communication ostensibly from the SSA to the fictional Mr. & Mrs. James B. Brazant (as this was NOT how the letter prepared by me was addressed, (see the below photo insert from the SSA as well as the photo inserts included in the post GIVING "LIFE" THE OLD FASHIONED WAY - UPDATED FOR AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY W/INSERTS). This is how identity fraud is accomplished and given a mark of legitimacy.
These supporting documents to the famous Employee Suggestion Award for Suggestion #8913 letter, backdated to 1/17/1991 are being included here to demonstrate that there is no way ethically that the date of the letter in question could have been as documented because all the supporting activity took place after the date in question as shown in the included documents shown below. As shown, I initiated the entire action in December of 1991 with communication to the ABB
This is a copy of the Backdated Letter.
These supporting documents to the famous Employee Suggestion Award for Suggestion #8913 letter, backdated to 1/17/1991 are being included here to demonstrate that there is no way ethically that the date of the letter in question could have been as documented because all the supporting activity took place after the date in question as shown in the included documents shown below. As shown, I initiated the entire action in December of 1991 with communication to the ABB
The above communication, which resulted in my submission of the Employee suggestion action on Process #8913 on 1/16/1992 but initialed on 1/20/1992 is supported by documents that confirm that the backdated letter was clearly unethical and an attempt to provide support for identity fraud as documented in the Footnote post IS THERE A CONNECTION BERWEEN A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED? .
division, confirmed in their communication to me dated 12/20/1991 and 1/15/1992 respectively. In conclusion, all that can be stated is that ALL THOSE "VIRTUAL" IMPOSTORS WHOSE LEGITIMACY IS BASED ON THIS FICTITIOUS DATE AS SHOWN ABOVE AND IN THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION'S LETTER TO THE FICTIONAL INDIVIDUAL HAVE NONE ( see IDENTITY SWITCHING OVER THE YEARS COMPACTED and MISREPRESENTATION ON/OFF LINE - A SYMPTOM OF WEB ADVANCES for details about the nature of this fictional creation and the associated mail fraud).
Ultimately, the issuance of this form letter granting "Social Security Life" to a fictional branch of Brazants in the U.S. A. is based on the above documents unethically initiated implying that "fictional" "free loader" and "free loader-related" types, calling themselves Brazants were in IA before my arrival in June, 1991 (see the post GIVING "LIFE" THE OLD FASHIONED WAY -
Social Security Administration's fictional Response to my earlier letter received on 2/17/2005
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