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Friday, February 10, 2012


When a prize has been obtained by deception,
Please note that Conservery does not function under misconception,
Coming clean alone is the only path to reconciliation,
And for such you need no consultation.
I never consented to provide cover for any “virtual” pretender,
Who is responsible for delaying the receipt of my alumni “extender”.
It really takes a truly ethical and responsible contender,
To make the difficult choices required like LBJs "grandstander",
For to pass the mantle unto another,
More qualified to carry the banner;
But was denied because of minute o-ring details,
And forced to stand aside for ready-made entrails,
Who is the laughing-stock of continents with many tales.
Political correctness would require such a convention,
In order to be counted amongst those with distinction.
For this is the true mark of reconciliation,
To redress the wrong enacted against a true citizen with conviction,
And not just lying words from another smiling face seeking extension.
Who there is with such courage is being sought,

1 comment:

J_F_Brazant said...

Could it be that there is a connection between the visits to the States involved in this mail fiasco (Ohio and Iowa - see comment # 1 from 7/7/2012 on the COMMENTS Page) by certain politicos in very, very recent times (within one week to the day of each other)? This would definitely explain the entire mailing system’s inability to deliver & the Insurance Company's difficulty in finding a simple document (not to mention the pressure being brought to bear on the Insurance Company - see previously referenced Comment), I hope no individual’s re-election is based on keeping that document suppressed, if so, this would be a clear indication that they are living a “lie” (read this post on POLITICAL RECONCILIATION carefully for its subtle message)!!