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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This theme/topic for the month of April is being supplemented for relevancy, as follows:
It is impossible to demonstrate transparency without being consistent. For example, using one selected label (or name - see the post THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS lN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY), in public life and then another privately and internationally “after the fact” because of legal/immigration issues and then attempting to legitimize such by the manipulation of historical financial and other records, that include the creating of a fictional branch of a family name [see the post MISREPRESENTATION DEFINED (FOR THE RECORD) - AMENDED]; is only credible to those who make it a practice of wearing “blinders”, and others who place emphasis on finances only (see the post HOW IS ARBITRARY ACTION, OR IS IT CONNECTED TO STRATEGIC LABELS AND NUMBERS?). For example, I chose not to demonstrate legitimacy by “brandishing” historical financial records now absconded by others for “their brand of legitimacy”; but instead took the path of demonstrating such by overlooked, everyday details without, which it would be impossible to maintain a daily life, even for a self-described, “organizing/record-keeping nerd”. My records are not based on the life of any individual and do not require an on going “army” of self-interest type business and ethically challenged politicos to “prop up” (see the comment from 9/3/2012 on the post “VIRTUAL" USED CARS - THE CONNECTION on the COMMENTS Page). 
In conclusion, it must be pointed out that for a “Society’s" type individual with a “virtual” identity, it’s impossible to demonstrate transparency, where an alter ego is in use and another individual has to be imprisoned financially to legitimize such, which is ultimately a band aid to cover-up the events from 1989/1990 in Vermont (see the post THE COVER-UP IS MORE COSTLY THAN THE ORIGINAL ACTION) and requires continuous “tweaking” to attempt to fix the gaping flaws in this type of legitimacy, which lacks consistency. It is for this reason that it can only exist by FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENTS AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY- UPDATED, which is devoid of historical basis that is not in part borrowed from another. In the end, it has to be emphasized that in the absence of consistency, transparency is non-existent, no matter how many avenues are repeatedly massaged to attempt to demonstrate something that does not exist, namely, validity and/or authenticity using “cherry picking” to assemble the desired “virtual records” needed.  


J_F_Brazant said...

Those who have conveniently "forgottent" that they use one name privately for ligitimacy and another publicly (because they are not known by their private alter ego publicly) should remember that providing favors to "grateful" individuals, in exchange for providing support that they are known to them in their "borrowed" identities does not corroborate historical legitimacy; the only true measure of identity is to publicly use your "private" name for all to see in all publications with accompanying photo, in the local community, etc., not in secret for financial activities (with the entourge of support from your ethically challenged politicos and entities whose "empires" benfit financially continually from such arrangements), while holding others hostage!!! !!!

J_F_Brazant said...

Those who have conveniently “forgotten” that they use one name privately, (which includes selected business arrangements), for legitimacy and another publicly (because they are not known by the public at large, excluding the carefully selected agencies and entities that condone them in their dual identities, since this Blog’s postings have clearly demonstrated that businesses (including for profit as well as non profit types), generally will do anything as long as they are being financially rewarded by those with resources but with no legitimate identity of their own for such legally, as depicted in the post THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S “VIRTUAL” SOCIETY (link on COMMENTS Page); should remember that 1) providing favors to “grateful” individuals in exchange for identity validation does corroborate historical legitimacy, 2) manipulating remote or other damages/vandalism at 8263 as well as in the lives of those connected, of any type in order to either pay for or associate with the financial payment for such in anyway in their “secret” identities also is not a measure of legitimacy and 3) manipulating the U.S. postal system to ensure that when a certain family member who is now conveniently a resident, receives her associates diploma, it is accompanied with mailings such as that infamous mailing from a certain provider of broadcast TV services, implying that two individuals with the same name are associated with this address, definitely does not establish any “legitimate” connection. These individual(s) need to be reminded with their amnesia that the only true measure of identity is to publicly use your "private" name for ALL (not just the Condonees for validation) to see in all publications with accompanying photo, in the local community, etc., not in secret for financial activities (with the entourge of support from your ethically challenged politicos and entities whose "empires" benfit financially continually from such arrangements), while holding others hostage!!! !!!